
Mikey's Way 10

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She sighed at the soft smile on Frank's face. He looked so content and she was upset to have to awaken him. She nudged his shoulder gently until he opened his eyes. She quietly greeted him, careful not to wake Mikey. Frank rubbed his eyes and stretched. Raven noticed him constantly pulling the sleeves on his sweater down. She didn't think much of it.

"How'd you get here so fast?" he said groggily.

"Are you kidding? It took me two hours! I climbed out the window and ran here to avoid that drunken mess at home," she replied, wearily. Frank chuckled.

"You haven't seen him at his worst," Raven's eyes widened.

"He can get worse? I swear to God he would've raped me if I didn't lock the door," she stared at the floor. Frank raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Happened before," he muttered. Raven looked up.


"Nothing. Nothing important..." he trailed off. "So the doctor said he'd be out in a few days. I don't really want to leave in case he wakes up". Raven could see the exhaustion in his eyes and the lack of his normal spark that made everyone love him. He wasn't the hyper, happy Frank anymore. He was tired, drained Frank. He needed rest more than he needed air. All of his exhaustion was replaced with pure joy and excitement as Mikey stirred on the hospital bed and opened his eyes. A small smile played on his lips at the sight of Frank and Raven but soon disappeared as he realized where he was. He looked around with an expression of fear and questioning eyes. Frank, sensing his confusion, spoke up.

"Gerard got drunk again. I'm pretty sure he caught Angela cheating on him," Mikey's expression changed from confusion to hurt. It was like a train had bolted into his stomach. Every time Gerard got drunk, he took it out on Mikey and someone ended up being hurt, whether it be Mikey taking the abuse or Frank trying to defend him. Either way, it didn't turn out well.

Frank explained to Mikey what happened and that he'd be in the hospital for a few more days, and that he would be eating only smoothies, and that he didn't want him to talk because of his jaw. Mikey's expression seemed to fall a little more every time Frank explained the situation. Raven saw this moved over to sit down on the foot of the bed. He reached out and held Mikey's hand.

"Don't worry, Mikey. It'll be alright," she said with a small smile. Frank, seeing Mikey's eyes light up at her touch, left the room and pulled out his phone. He dialled the number to the Way residence. It had been a couple hours and he figured Gerard might have sobered up a bit. Three rings went through before a slurred voice answered the phone.

"H-hello?" said Gerard.

"Still drunk, I see?" Frank sighed.

"What? N-no, you just woke me up. And I have a killer headache. Any idea where Raven is?" Gerard's calm attitude was starting to annoy Frank.

"Yeah, she's here at the hospital. You know, with your brother who has a broken nose and jaw?" he heard Gerard gasp.

"I'll be there in an hour. What room are you in?" he sounded terrified and guilty.

"403. Oh and I don't think Raven will be too happy to see you, either. I'll let her explain when you get here," Frank replied flatly before slapping his phone shut. He sighed deeply and walked back in the room. Raven was still holding Mikey's hand and giggling. Mikey seemed to have a note pad in his lap.

"Your brother will be here in an hour. He sounds sober," Frank broke their moment.  "Where did you get the note pad from?"

"I got the nurse to bring it in. Why is that bastard coming?" Raven answered. Mikey's face seemed to tighten. His hand flew to the notepad.

Don't talk about him that way. He almost never gets drunk because this is what happens. it read. Raven apologized before lying down on the bed beside him and dozing off. Mikey's hand went back to the notepad.

I don't think I could ever love her . He held it up to Frank. Frank furrowed his brow.

"Why not? She seems to really love you," he muttered. Mikey smirked and went back to writing.

Because she's not you . Frank's face set ablaze. He smiled hugely before leaning in and kissing Mikey's forehead. He grabbed the notepad and ripped off the piece of paper and proceeded to rip it into pieces. Mikey looked puzzled.

"So she won't see it," Frank stated as he threw the shreds out. Mikey nodded and dozed off. Frank drifted off to sleep as well, but it was an uneasy, dreamless sleep.

~~~ Half an hour later ~~~

Gerard bolted into the room and stared at the damage he'd caused to his baby brother. Tears dared to leave his eyes. His hands began to shake as he shook Frank awake. Frank rubbed his eyes sleepily before looking at Gerard. His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was incredibly messy.

"It's alright, Gerard. I don't think he's mad at you," Frank tried to comfort him. Gerard shook his head.

"I don't think I can ever forgive myself. I've done this to him so many times," he wrung his hands. Frank stood up and wrapped his arms around Gerard. He was much shorter so his head rested in the crook of his neck.

"Gerard, it's okay. We all make mistakes and Mikey's going to be fine," Frank soothed. Gerard didn't hug back. He felt too weak. This just made Frank hug him even tighter. Tears dripped from Gerard's hazel eyes. Frank sighed. "Gerard, it's alright. It was a mistake that you won't make again. Please don't cry."

Gerard tried to hold in his tears as best as he could. Mikey rolled over and looked at them.  He tried to smile. That was when Gerard broke down. He ran over to Mikey and kissed his forehead repeatedly muttering "I'm so sorry" over and over again. He pulled away and locked his teary eyes with Mikey's.

"Mikey, I'm so sorry I did this to you. I promise it will never happen again. You have no idea how terrible I feel," Gerard babbled on. He was hushed by Mikey holding a finger to his lips as he reached for his notepad.

It's alright, Gerard. It's not too bad. I'll be out in a few days. Please don't beat yourself up over this. It's no big deal! I promise you. .
Just a filler chapter. I still need to plan this out.
© 2011 - 2024 Nerve-Center
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